Day Without an Immigrant

Our proud kitchen staff, after prepping food for a dinner at which Governor Hickenlooper was the keynote speaker. 

Today we are donating a portion of our sales to local immigrant advocacy groups such as Boulder Ayuda, Intercambio and the Spanish Institute.

Here is why…

We don’t like to mix politics and pleasure at Pica’s.

But as owners of restaurants we understand the importance of our immigrant community and felt it important to stand in solidarity with all immigrants on this “Day Without an Immigrant”.

On Facebook and Twitter it is easy to share bits and pieces of things and become enraged because of this and that and the other and then move on, more or less unaffected.

It is different when you see the personal side of things and how it affects people who work for you, with you, and alongside you and who have become your friends and essentially your family.

“Day Without An Immigrant” is not a new phenomenon but it has taken on more immediate relevancy over the past few months and especially weeks.

Our immigrant community is scared. Rumors are flying around of raids and people are afraid of being torn from their homes, their families, and the lives they have created here.

We stand in support of our immigrant community and believe they are not only important economically but they add to and enrich our community and lives.

Thank you for your support and if you’d like to support local advocacy groups here is some information:

Boulder Ayuda: non-profit, attorney-led organization, serving immigrants of Boulder.

Intercambio: Uniting communities by teaching English and providing resources