Johnny, Hispanic Heritage Month

Johnny came to us over 10 years ago and I still remember the day he walked into the kitchen at the lowest point of opening PIca's Boulder. He had that trademark smile on his face and he picked up a broom and began sweeping while saying, "I hear you're looking for help." I told him he was hired and that he should quit his other job because I wanted him full-time. It took him a few months but he finally did.

He's worked in all capacities at our restaurants - dishwasher, prep cook, line cook, food runner, server, kitchen manager and now he manages both kitchens for Pica's Colorado.

Last month we went up to visit the mothership - Pica's Jackson. He walked right in to the kitchen and made friends with everyone, always willing to learn. On our last day we floated the Snake River in Grand Teton National Park. He fly fished for the first time and caught his first Snake River cutthroat trout. We saw bald eagles, golden eagles and a juveninle moose swim across the river in front of us. It was an amazing day made even better by this guy's infectious smile and zeal for life!

Pica’s - “I started at Pica’s in 2010 - over 10 years! My aunt worked here before me and she was a tortilla maker. She told me they had a position open for a great restaurant and I interviewed with Trent and here we are. When I started it was just me, Trent and Andy hustling in the kitchen. It has just changed so much in the last 10 years and I’m so proud to have been here since the beginning and see how far the restaurant has come. I feel more at home and comfortable here because it’s the food I like to eat and the people that are from my culture.” Background - “I’m originally from Mexico. I feel proud to be Mexican. To be honest, for me, it has been very easy to live here in Boulder and feel welcomed by others. I feel the same no matter who I’m with since my culture has been mixed for so long. The customers at Pica’s have treated me so well. Now I see couples who have families of their own and have grown - I LOVE seeing their journey.” Hispanic Heritage Month - “Hispanic Heritage Month is something new to me. I’ve heard stories of racism against immigrants in other areas and it makes me sad as that has not been my experience. I wish for all Hispanics to have the same welcoming I have had in this country - and if not, our country needs to change.”
