Karen, in purple, with her team of helpers.
We opened Pica's Boulder without much of a plan for art. Good Apples contributed some screen printed art and then we just sort of fudged the rest.
And then one day we were approached by a woman who said that her friend makes Mexican mosaic artwork and she would be interested in having us check it out.
We agreed to check it out and as soon as we met Karen, we knew it was a good fit.
We decided to let her hang some art for 3 months and we'd throw a little cocktail party.
That was in November of 2012. Karen's art has now been on our walls in Boulder for over four years and we made sure that her art would be part of our walls at the new location in Louisville.
This month we've been highlighting some of Karen's Valentine's Day art on our Instagram and Facebook pages.
You can see more of Karen's art at her website Casa de Yuste.
Valentine's Day mosaic
Valentine's Day themed Mosaic
Valentine's Day themed mosaic